The word soul-render and seed came to me in the middle of the night as I was sleeping. I woke up and listened to the inner nudge to write them down. I felt there was meaning in these words, a reason they came to me, and I wanted to remember to investigate it this morning.
Well, I woke up at 4:30 am, thanks to my dog and my nerves. I tried to go back to sleep but my mind and body were trying to tell me something. Lately, I have been feeling a momentum rising within me. I can see and sense a change in the winds, yet at the same time, I feel stuck. Stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck, stucky, stuck. It feels like the wave I’ve been riding for some time, has hit a wall and the pressure is building in order to grab my attention.
I have been in the process of creating a new business that I feel is my purpose in this life. It is to help others become aligned with their own purpose and listen to their soul to help guide them to it. I want to help people learn to tune into their heart and take a leap for truth. This is what I am naturally talented at and am very passionate about.
Lately, in the past few years, I have done this very thing. I have taken huge leaps for truth all over the place! I turned my mode of transportation from walking to leaping, kind of like a frog. This was exactly what I needed at the time to get me from A to B to C to D to E, but now I can tell it’s time to change tunes.
As I am writing this, I just received a confirmation…
Yesterday, I was on a long walk at the nature preserve by my house trying to move through this brick wall and listen to what my soul and body were telling me. My intuition told me to take a right at the T on the path, even though I knew it would lead to a dead end. When I reached the area that was blocked off and I needed to turn around, I saw a frog hopping its way across the path in front of me. It caught my attention, I found it odd, this frog seemed different. I observed it and thought huh, I wonder what that was all about? What are you trying to tell me lil guy??… and then I kept on with my walk. So as I am writing this I just made the connection….
The leaping method that was initially needed to jump start my truth quest has reached a dead end. It brought me to the point where I need to be in this moment. But now it’s time to turn around and soul-render once more, and approach life in a new direction.
The other word that was coming to me last night was seed. Plant the seed, seed, seed, seed, Plant the seed.
So leaping has lead to a dead end, for now, and I need to soul-render and tend to my seeds. I know that “tending to my seeds” means that I need to slow down and nourish myself before I can nourish anything else. It’s time to let things settle and breathe. To simply take each moment as it is and make room for new and fill up.
Certain things only take you so far, to keep doing the same approach and expect a different result is the definition of insanity. This is why turning in and investigating what your inner nudges and body are communicating to you is so important. Life is a journey that is expansive and unpredictable. In order to thrive instead of survive, you need to be able to adapt and mix things up.
So for now, I Breathe Breathe Breathe, Rest, Soul-render and tend to my seeds….