What is all this talk about raising your vibration, and why would I want to do that?

So what is all this talk about raising your vibration, and why would I want to do that? First of all, Continue Reading
So what is all this talk about raising your vibration, and why would I want to do that? First of all, Continue Reading
I am once again snuggled in with my dogs, wrapped up in a blanket reflecting. So much has changed and Continue Reading
THE COLD, HARD, TRUTH… This statement popped up in my head when I woke up this morning and I instantly Continue Reading
I’ve been drawn to the sun. I see it in entire different light. It is source. I am in awe Continue Reading
I’ve recently had this urge to cleanse in order to bring in new energy. Last week I went on a Continue Reading
Today as I was visiting a close friend, a discussion about boundaries came up and how important they can be. Continue Reading
I recently watched a documentary about our purpose for being on earth in relation to our astrological signs. The woman Continue Reading
A close friend just sent me this song. She said she knew I would love it and she is right! Continue Reading
Today I decided to have a me day. After a busy weekend I needed to recharge. I was struggling to Continue Reading
This blog is the start of a new chapter in the book of my life. It’s time to start writing. Continue Reading