What is it about a certain word… A word that brings me to a Ah-Ha moment. What is it about a song? The kind that gives me the chills, puts me in a trance like state and makes time stop. It connects me to something bigger. Prince is an example of this. How crafting words into passionate music can impact and unite us.
I saw Prince in concert at the Xcel Center in 2004. He played Purple Rain as the encore song and it was one of the most magical experiences of my life. It was only Prince, his guitar and a sheet draped in front of him during the guitar solo that was lit up. All you could see was the silhouette of his body. (Much like when he preformed at the Super Bowl in 2007.) I remember being utterly hypnotized, tears were falling down my face due to the simplicity of the stage and the power of the song. My heart couldn’t hold anything but love with in it, and as I looked around nor could anyone else. We were all in the exact same place. The present moment…in a zone. The entire room was floating. All connected because of the power of one person that created something with all of his soul. Thousands of people that weren’t thinking about fear, insecurities or to do lists, etc. I wasn’t judging others around me, I WAS everyone around me. I was the exact same energy frequency as the entire room. The exact same energy as Prince himself. It was undeniable.

That FEELING Prince gave me from his music is the missing puzzle piece… It’s how to change the world. I’ve felt very helpless and overwhelmed with all of the destruction, fear and hurt going on. Like there wasn’t anything I can do. But I was wrong. Prince is a prime example of this. His passion and creative expression had the power to stop time. It showed me that we are ALL ONE. I believe it’s as simple as that. I learned that by putting myself out there for all to see and by doing something I am passionate about connects people. The energy emitted is so powerful. It’s captivating.
Prince mastered this. He was unique to himself and didn’t bend for anyone. I admire him for that, so much I put him on a pedestal. But what I realize now is that it doesn’t always have to be a big grandiose preformance like Prince did… it can be as simple as a blog, a act of kindness, a drawing, writing a song, etc. Anything I want to create that didn’t exist before and is an expression of myself. If I do what makes my soul sing, the energy spreads and brings others to the present moment. Where no one is different, no one is separate. I hold that feeling like a barometer and use it as a tool. Prince has shown what the results of doing this can be on a larger scale, especially this last week since his passing.
People of all kinds, no matter race and upbringing dance together in the streets of Minneapolis and throughout the entire world. They sing, cry and share the stories of the days we listened to his music. Much like the time I saw him in concert. Like the experience of the zone I was in with everyone.. I will never forget it. It’s the magic spot of connection. It’s where this world can be if we all live from the heart. It is possible. It’s contagious, it spreads and you CAN NOT deny it. That level of passion kills anything at a lower vibration. The belief that I am separate from the person next to me simply cannot survive in that kind of energy.
Love unites and Prince clearly showed me that from his music and lifetime here. Creating with love, being authentic and sharing passion has the power to change the world. Thank you Prince for sharing your talents. Your strong spirit definitely transcended the rules…
Thank you again Nellie for your inspiring words. So we’ll said.
“That level of passion kills anything at a lower vibration. The belief that I am separate from the person next to me simply cannot survive in that kind of energy.” Brilliant! Such wisdom in your words . . . thank you. This is how we change the world!